Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Weeks 9 to Now.

So again I delay in posting. Then internet issues delay it further. And finally being very sick pushed it even further back. So yeah... lots of posts all in one again.

Week 9

So this week the group went over something called KAIZEN, which was meant to help our group figure out where our problems were and how to fix them We were even showed a diagram that likened it to a ship. The group is the ship and our problems are anchors holding us down. It was only by solving our problems that we could raise the anchors and sail on to make a great game.

After that we went to work on our game again, this time in two groups. One would focus on numbers and business models for how we would sell, ship and market the game. The other group, which I was in, instead focused on making the game and finishing it. This meant mechanics, rules and the like. So working with the members we went over and finalized a rule sheet that told how to start and play the game as well as how the different card types worked,

Week 10

This week after we got together we again split into the 'business' and 'design' groups. Since last week we had finished our rules, this week we created and fleshed out creatures. Including a few mechanics for them as well. We ended up designing about 4 regular creatures for each environment and then a sort of environment lord for each of the seven areas. Like a powerful Kraken for the Ocean environment.

This was followed by spring break. And while I originally planned on posting all of this during said break, my internet was acting up so i couldn't. Turned out the dog chewed on a few cords without anyone noticing. Dumb mutt.

Week 11

And this week was filled with the sickness I mentioned. Being unable to really go more than twenty minutes without rushing to the bathroom was not a state to come to school in.

As such I sadly couldn't do anything.

Week 12

And now came today. In class we first had a more in-depth look at sprints and game design before a fire drill. After we came in and got back to the teacher's lesson, we ended up having another drill. Good god, what was with the interruptions today?

Anyways, the teacher told us about 'User Stories' and told us to make a basic one right there to make sure we got the concept. We churned ours out pretty quickly and easily and then went back to our two groups to work. Since we had creatures done we began working on our upgrade cards. We came up with a lot of ideas and before we left for the day, we all assigned ourselves to work on the environment cards before next weeks class. Overall I think our game is coming together nicely.

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